Decatur Dinners Returns!! March 29th = Save the Date!
Decatur Dinners Returns!! March 29th = Save the Date!
Decatur Dinners Returns!! March 29th = Save the Date!
Join us for a viewing of the movie True Justice and dinner and dialogue after. .Guests will watch the documentary movie (50 minute viewing) and then participate in courageous conversations around race and equity.
Produced and Directed by Peter Kunhardt, Teddy Kunhardt, George Kunhardt
This feature documentary focuses on Bryan Stevenson’s life and career – particularly his indictment of the U.S. criminal justice system for its role in codifying modern systemic racism – and tracks the intertwined histories of slavery, lynching, segregation and mass incarceration. Highlighting watershed moments involving cases and clients, TRUE JUSTICE offers a rare glimpse into the human struggle that is required when the poor and people of color are wrongly condemned or unfairly sentenced, and explores the personal toll it has taken on Stevenson and his colleagues.
It also shares the story of the opening of Equal Justice Initiative’s heart-wrenching memorial in Montgomery, Alabama, dedicated to the more than 4,400 victims of lynching. The memorial stands as part of a larger project of seeking truth and reconciliation.
TRUE JUSTICE reveals a narrative of racial inequality that has emerged in this country, challenging us to confront it.
At One Small Change we bring people together to amplify community voices and inspire transformation.
We are a catalyst for sustainable impact and growth, helping people tap into programs and resources, and supporting people to connect to them.
Upcoming Events: (Go to website for registration details)
Leading Transformative Change; October 29-October 31, 2019
Cultural Agility Lunch & Learn; January 21 - February 25, 2020
Cultural Competence for Change Agents; January 27-28, 2020
The People’s Institute believes that racism is the primary barrier preventing communities from building effective coalitions and overcoming institutionalized oppression and inequities. Through Undoing Racism®/Community Organizing Workshops, technical assistance and consultations, The People’s Institute helps individuals, communities, organizations and institutions move beyond addressing the symptoms of racism to undoing the causes of racism so as to create a more just and equitable society.
(Go to website for registration details)
The Center for Racial Healing is an inter-generational, faith-based organization
providing curriculum, activities and experiences to all participants to engage their heads
and their hearts in the daily work of dismantling personal
prejudice and ending systemic racism.
Upcoming Events: (Go to website for registration details)
Paths of Hope for the Journey to Wholeness A Quiet Day; September 28, 2019
International Women of Color and Wellness Conference; October 24 - 26, 2019